About Tamara

Tamara Ice MFT, RYT
Tamara values family, friends, and health, both emotional and physical. Her pride and joy is her adult son, Jared. She is the oldest in her family, with a sister and two brothers following behind. Tamara is a life-long learner, hungry for knowledge and challenge, while realizing the importance of balance in life. Tamara has always been a listener and understands the value of human connection. She’s been employed for as long as she can remember, picking prunes as a young girl set the tone for her work ethic, which is very strong. Tamara paid 100% of her own college fees, working as a waitress to pay the bills. Because Tamara loves children and learning she chose to become an elementary school teacher. To further inform her teaching, she went back to graduate school and earned a Masters in Clinical Psychology May of 2003. Tamara qualified for her MFT license August of 2009.

Tamara’s professional experience includes thirty-two years as a public school teacher in the Twin Hills School District, Sebastopol, CA. She’s taught children from kindergarten through eighth grade. She was a MFT intern for six years at True to Life Children’s Services in Sebastopol working with teenagers from the ages of fifteen to nineteen in residential treatment. She now works for Psychstrategies in Santa Rosa. Tamara has been practicing yoga for twenty-eight years. In May of 2010 Tamara completed her yoga teacher training with Suzanne Cardinal, owner of Into This World Yoga Teacher Training and became a registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance. She offers yoga classes for children, and adults. Tamara also has the first of three Reiki certificates.

To balance out her professional and personal life choices, Tamara often chooses to challenge herself physically and emotionally. As a teen she climbed the Buttes in Sutter County. After college graduation, Tamara ran the San Francisco Marathon and immediately rafted on the Klamath River. She has successfully climbed to the top of Mt. Shasta, 14,000 feet, jumped out of an airplane, lived in Mexico for two years and most recently completed a ten day vision quest, including four days without food, shelter or companionship in the Yolla Bolly Wilderness, called Evoking the Passionate Heart. Tamara has completed all five levels offered by the Shambala Meditation Center, Path of the Warrior. She practices self-reflection, meditation and yoga regularly. Tamara feels good when she is on her yoga mat, or anywhere in nature. Please join her for a yoga class, or make an appointment for therapy services.